Private and Public Broadcast Channels

XCLUSV empowers your organization to streamline communication ensuring precision and impact across large audiences.”

Current Features

Advanced Feature Push Notifications:

Interactive posts in notifications increase open rates by 50%.

Targeted Communication:

Tailor communications to distinct member segments, elevating open rates by 30%.

Omnichannel Ecosystem:

Seamlessly blend private member communications with public outreach, ensuring message control while broadening engagement.


Quick polls engage your audience, enhance feedback, and improve decision-making, boosting member activity.

Why Choose XCLUSV

Mobile-First, Direct Communication:

Bypass clogged inboxes and social media algorithms with targeted mobile broadcasts that reach your audience instantly.

Lifetime Value Enhancement:

Foster deeper connections with targeted campaigns and personalized experiences, driving loyalty and maximizing the value of your audience.

Revenue Growth Acceleration:

Convert engagement into action with powerful call-to-actions integrated within your broadcasts, boosting sales and subscriptions.

Expanded Reach & Recruitment:

Extend your reach and attract new members efficiently with targeted campaigns designed to capture their attention.


Segment and group your audience to better tailor messaging


One-to-Many communications removes the barriers of social noise, algorithms and flooded inboxes


Push-Notifications with advanced features increase open rates and engagement

Roadmap Features

AI-assisted Reporting & Analytics:

Equip organizations with powerful AI-driven insights into engagement metrics, offering tailored tips to optimize communication strategies and enhance audience interaction.

eCommerce Capability:

Enable organizations to manage and sell goods and services directly on the platform, opening up new revenue streams.

Payment Processing:

Simplify the handling of membership fees and other financial transactions with integrated payment solutions.

RSVP and Ticketing:

Collaborate with third-party services for seamless in-app RSVP and ticketing, enhancing the event experience for both organizers and attendees.

Conference Experience:

Offer a digital itinerary for festivals and conferences, complete with vendor support, emergency communications, and venue geo-mapping, to enrich the attendee experience.

Community Calendar:

Allow organizations to co-plan events and activities, while members personalize their engagement through a customizable calendar feature.

available for all devices

Ready to elevate your communication strategy?

Schedule a consultation with XCLUSV today!